Shepherd King Kara Justis Shepherd King Kara Justis

Getting Worse Before Getting Better | 2 Samuel 2

Our passage illustrates the nature and consequences of spiritual warfare. We are to wise as serpents and harmless as doves - not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. We must never water down the gospel seeking the approval of men, but live with a firm commitment to speak the truth in love that the kingdom of God may grow and expand.

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Shepherd King Kara Justis Shepherd King Kara Justis

Be Practical | Who You Surround Yourself With Matters | 1 Samuel 21

Join us for an insightful study on 1 Samuel 21! Together, we'll explore the connections between the Old and New Testaments, seeing how they illuminate and fulfill each other. In this message, we uncover the parallels between Jesus and David, enriching our understanding of the Bible and deepening our faith.

Don't miss out! Let's learn and grow in God's word, together. Why? So we can grow and be the leaders God is calling us to be.

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Shepherd King Kara Justis Shepherd King Kara Justis

Live a Christ Centered Life in a Self-Centered World | Trust God | 1 Samuel 20

Come and study the life of David with us. Through out our series, we see God keeps His promise to preserve David's life and make him Israel's king. Keeping this promise in mind and studying this passage, we are encouraged, instructed and inspired to live a Christ centered life in a self-centered world.


  1. There is a time to run away from evil

  2. Surround ourselves with good, godly, quality people

  3. The deceptive nature of evil

  4. Confronting evil takes courage and commitment to truth

  5. Keep PRIORITIES in order

Don't miss out! Let's learn and grow in God's word, together. Why? So we can grow and be the leaders God is calling us to be.

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Shepherd King Kara Justis Shepherd King Kara Justis

Staying Spiritually Alive | 1 Samuel 19

Come study 1 Samuel 19 with us as we examine David's life and learn that doing the right thing doesn’t come without cost, but is always worth the expense.


1️⃣ We are at our best when doing what we are designed to do (v8)

2️⃣ The more we tune out God, the harder our heart gets (v9-11)

3️⃣ Be Courageous by standing up for what is true and right (v11-17)

4️⃣ When at wits end, seek godly counsel (v18-24)

Don't miss out! Let's learn and grow in God's word, together. Why? So we can grow and be the leaders God is calling us to be.

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Shepherd King Kara Justis Shepherd King Kara Justis

Stand Out from the World | The Righteous & Wicked | 1 Samuel 18

Let's learn together as we examine 1 Samuel 18, as we learn from Saul's example that the way of the wicked is a hard road and it doesn’t pay to disobey God. On the flip side, we learn from David that the way of the righteous is blessed and it pays to serve God. From this, we can takeaway that God’s plan doesn’t remove us from evil, but empowers us to overcome evil with good.

Don't miss out! Let's learn and grow in God's word, together. Why? So we can grow and be the leaders God is calling us to be.

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Shepherd King Kara Justis Shepherd King Kara Justis

Conquering Life’s Giants: Lessons from David's Triumph | 1 Samuel 17:1-58

In this message based on 1 Samuel 17:1-58, we explore the story of David and Goliath, uncovering truths applicable to our lives today. David's victory over the giant Goliath serves as a powerful illustration of how we can overcome the challenges and adversaries we face.

Join us as we uncover the key principles highlighted by David's courageous act:

  1. Surrender to God's Control: Discover the power of yielding to God's guidance and authority in our lives.

  2. Strength in God: Learn how to tap into the limitless strength and resources available to us through our faith in God.

  3. Confidence in God's Ability: Shift your focus from your limitations to God's unlimited capability, trusting in His provision and intervention.

  4. Walking in Step with God: Embrace the journey of aligning our will with God's, experiencing His guidance and blessings every step of the way.

Don't miss out on this inspiring message that will equip and empower you to face your own giants with faith, courage, and victory. Like, share, and subscribe for more biblically sound, growth focused content to help build and encourage your faith.

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Shepherd King Kara Justis Shepherd King Kara Justis

Using Your Talents for Jesus | Adding Value and Extending Grace | 1 Samuel 16:14-23

Discover how to live a life that honors God and use our talents for His kingdom in our latest message based on 1 Samuel 16:14-23.

We'll talk about three main points:

1. Spirit-filled living is essential for honoring God in our lives.

2. Practice is crucial for our growth as devoted followers of Jesus.

3. God equips us with skills to extend His grace to others.

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