Shepherd King Kara Justis Shepherd King Kara Justis

Seeing The Way God Sees Things | Having a Godly Perspective on Life | 1 Samuel 16:1-12

Saul was chosen by the people, but David was chosen by God.

In 1 Samuel 16, we learn the importance of aligning ourselves with God's choices, His methods, His perspective, and His wisdom. This is how we become people after God's own heart. Join us as we explore the timeless truth of seeking God's will above all else. Let's journey together towards a deeper understanding of what it means to follow in God's footsteps.

Don't miss out – hit play and let's connect, learn and grow, together!

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Staying Disciplined & Focused When Life Seems Chaotic | Stay True to God's Purpose | 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18

To stay loyal to our purpose, we need discipline and a spiritually active lifestyle. While growth is natural, it doesn't happen by chance. It takes intentional effort from each member of God's family.

Join us as we look into the importance of being spiritually active and the role it plays in fulfilling our purpose. Let's learn together how to actively contribute to our spiritual growth and the growth of God's kingdom.

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